Internet Marketing Script Generator Pre-launch
Finally after 3 months of work on my new software for internet marketers to make more money from their websites using some smart website scripts, it’s ready to launch.
Amazingly, I wrote 1/2 the code with a brand new baby in my arms and fending off 2 kids from getting into trouble, while their mother was really sick after the birth. Things are settling down now, and I’m able to actually type with more than 1 hand and no baby in my arms. That’s why this software has taken so long to get done. But family first.!
Check it out and have a look at a quick video I took of the software and join my pre-launch list.
I’m so excited since this is my first product.
I know this is going to benefit so many internet marketers, especially the newbies. But I have a couple of cool scripts that are BRAND NEW on the scene and the veterans will be excited to see and use those as well.