by Aaron Dwyer | May 22, 2006 | General
I’ve been working for the last 2 months on some software that will help webmasters and internet marketers in particular produce more sales and make their websites easier to develop.
I can’t believe how much work goes into making a product. This is why soooo many people just don’t do it.
As an example of my own. I desperately wanted to write an ebook with my wife for the Underachiever 30daychallenge in July last year. We got 1/2 way and never made it happen.
We surveyed and collated and got an angle on the book. We worked out in point form what should be covered. We even recorded some audio about it in an effort to get it off the ground. Never happened.
It’s still there so I will pick it up as my second product after I get through with this software as my first.
It truely is exciting to be finally moving towards a product launch.
I’ll elaborate on the project more as the launch moves closer, it’s very close now.
by Aaron Dwyer | May 9, 2006 | General
I’ve just done a complete re-install on my machine due to a motherboard going to computer heaven after a storm last month.
Needless to say I’m configuring Windows to the way I like it again, and Windows XP’s native ZIP support where it thinks ZIP files are folders really gets up my nose.
ZIP files are archives, and should be treated as such, not like folders. You notice the difference when you have lots of ZIP files in a folder, and Windows Explorer just chokes while it’s looking into all of them.
To disable this painfull feature of Windows XP do this (you’ll thank me later).
Start, Run, and type this “regsvr32 /u zipfldr” (without the quotes) and hit enter.
To enable them again (for whatever reason) Start, Run, and “regsvr32 zipfldr”
Of course this is assuming that you have a 3rd party ZIP program like, WinRAR or WinZIP
by Aaron Dwyer | Mar 14, 2006 | General
Welcome to my new personal blog.
Yes I have other blogs online but at the advice of David Cavanaugh and Mike Filsaime who am I to argue.
They suggested that I get my domain so that when I’m financially independant then I don’t have to buy my domain off of a scapler for tonnes of money. Good advice I’m sure you’ll take also. So if you don’t have your own personal domain then go and get one from my Australian Web Hosting company.
I’m going to dedicate this blog as my focus to setting my own goals and my achievements, from humble beginnings to reaching my target desire (and it’s not to have a lot of money folks). I may share it along the way with you later.
To start with I’ve decided to write a pillar blog post. What is a pillar blog post I here you asking. I’ll show you with an example. It’s a mainstay article on a topic that can be used as the foundation to build your blog off. You wouldn’t build a house without a solid foundation and your blog is no different. You should have multiple pillar articles or entries that are the major drawcards of interest for your blog. Yaro Starak and others do this wonderfully.
My first pillar article is going to be my testimonals (yes there is more than one) for the World Internet Summit 2006 held in Sydney March 9-12 at the Sydney Superdome conference center.
It is now the day after the event and I’m taking the day to do my testimonials and soak in what I’ve been exposed to over the last four days.
It is only fitting that an event that so strongly moved me on a financial, personal and spiritual (and I’m not religous) REQUIRES a strong testimonial. Don’t you agree? I’ve broken it down into how I felt about each speaker and then the overall World Internet Summit. I’ve used video and audio and included the notes that I jotted down as well.
Go and have a look and I’d love to get your comments and feedback.