Disable Windows native ZIP support

I’ve just done a complete re-install on my machine due to a motherboard going to computer heaven after a storm last month.

Needless to say I’m configuring Windows to the way I like it again, and Windows XP’s native ZIP support where it thinks ZIP files are folders really gets up my nose.

ZIP files are archives, and should be treated as such, not like folders. You notice the difference when you have lots of ZIP files in a folder, and Windows Explorer just chokes while it’s looking into all of them.

To disable this painfull feature of Windows XP do this (you’ll thank me later).

Start, Run, and type this “regsvr32 /u zipfldr” (without the quotes) and hit enter.

To enable them again (for whatever reason) Start, Run, and “regsvr32 zipfldr”

Of course this is assuming that you have a 3rd party ZIP program like, WinRAR or WinZIP


Does Copywriting Work On eBay?

It’s been awhile since I’ve sold on eBay, so I’ve used my fledgling copywriting skills to test out a different way of doing eBay listings than the majority of listings.


The telling of stories to sell the product, is always mentioned by the gurus. Check it out.

The average price for one of these is $50, so I’ll wait to see what this one goes for.

I got a bid in the first 4 visits of the page, which was nice.


Review Of World Internet Summit ’06 – Sydney Australia

I have never been to an event in my life that has influenced me as greatly as World Internet Summit 2006 – Australia. This page is a dedication to those speakers and attendees at that conference that I drew inspiration from and made acquaintences that I hope to grow.I had one and only one regret with my time at the conference. I booked my return flight home with not enough of a buffer if the conference went over time. Of course as these things do, it did go overtime and I had to leave early and missed most of the last presentation and the closing. I’m really mad at myself for that, but I’m going to use that as a driving force so that on the next conference I’m free enough in my life that I can make a holiday out of it and not miss a single second of the event.

I’ll give you my general overview of my time at the conference and then I’ll take you through my thoughts on what I got out of each of the speakers in the order of their appearance at the conference.

General Overview of Whole Conference.

Looking back over my time at the WIS 2006 I really accomplished so much. You don’t realise how much until you write it down or talk about it with others.

I bought the ticket, the travel, the accommodation, the food, and I didn’t skimp.

Why. Because when Brett said most of the speakers were staying at the Crown Plaza then that’s where I was going to stay.

How many of the 420 attendees can say they had breakfast and chatted with Ted ciuba, Tom Hua, Brett McFall, David Cavanagh, Kirt Christensen, caught transport and chatted with some of those guys as well plus Matt Clarkson, and Mike Stewart and started to build a rapport with them even if in extermely small doses.

Not just sitting next to them but actually talking with them and just about internet marketing either. I met so many good people that may not only become clients of mine or ask me for help, but be potential business opportunities just waiting to blossum.

I met other attendees (not just speakers) that also are in the game, where I was a member of their list. Fantastic to not just be an email address and meet the people face to face. I got to tell them that I appreciate what they give (pay) back.

I was exposed to a world that I never really knew existed. I always sat next to different people at breakfast, lunch, and in the conference room. Always talking and seeing what they were into, you never know where your next business partner is.

I met one guy whom I know can help me finish an information product I’ve been working on for over 8 months, but haven’t been able to finish for many reasons that no longer seem to be issues at all, thanks to my new found mind set.

So I sit here and think was it worth going to World Internet Summit. It would have cost me more than the whole trip many times over if I hadn’t gone.

What’s priceless to me is that I just didn’t get financial growth out of it, I drew personal growth even to point of putting me onto the path of saving my marraige. Something I certainly didn’t expect to find a solution for.

But really hear me when I say it’s what you make of it. You can buy a ticket and go, but if you’re just there to scoff at everything that’s said thinking you know better like some guy that was sitting next to me on the Saturday, you’ll never get anywere near what’s delivered. I felt like moving seats if only there was a spare spot to move to. I had to hold myself back from giving him a serve as it was detracting from my enjoyment.

My advice is to Just go! and go with your mind open, don’t judge anyone (the speakers especially) before you know a bit about them and don’t be afraid to talk to people. The most unassuming attendees that I spoke with turned out to really have their online business cranking.

I’ll mention about the offers that the speakers present to you and they are certainly tempting since they enable you to fast track your internet marketing experience. Sure you can do it yourself but it’s going to take a lot longer. To the attendees that I met that were just beginning on the internet, once they knew I had some online experience they were asking me which speakers offer they should get and is it a good deal etc. All I told them was wait until the end of the conference and decide which one speaker you got the most out of and go with their offer. Do exactly as they say and don’t deviate from their path.

I spoke with those people again on the 3rd and 4th day and they had bought several of the speakers offers and were still asking me the same question. I’m not quite sure what that’s all about.? So did I pick up any offers? The timing wasn’t right for me to do so since I’m already learning from Trevor Crook and other reasons, but if I was to have moved on an offer it would have been Stephen Pierce’s simply because his speech resonated the most with me. I know that when the time is right I will take up an offer.

I look back now at what I accomplished in four days and I amazed myself. And you know what, I held back a bit for fear of the unknown. Next time I will unstopable.

Thanks Brett, Tom and Ted for providing this event and I owe each of you a drink. I didn’t get a chance to buy you one this time around, but I will next time.

Let’s get to my roundup of the speakers.

Derek Gehl

I first joined IMC’s (Internet Marketing Center) 2 years ago when Cory Rudl was running the show. I’d never really known of Derek Gehl before he took over the company, but when Cory passed I remember getting an email from some other internet marketer and I actually sent an email to Jim Edwards asking if it was true. He confirmed that it sadly was.

Shortly after that Derek started emailing to the list and the fact that he didn’t miss a beat clearly showed me that he must have been Cory’s right hand man. Derek know’s his stuff. Enough said, the proof is in the results.

When I saw him on stage it actually triggered in me a defining moment in my life. No BS. I can see it now as a delayed reaction from Corey’s passing. His untimely death was a defining moment and a wake up call for me that I’d been suppressing all this time.

I remember going out of my office and telling my wife what had happened and saying now here is a guy with all the freedom that he wants and bam all gone. My perspective has now shifted.

I thank Derek for coming to Australia to be my trigger even if it was in a sort of half removed way.

I had a picture taken with Derek but I never told him about this, since my moment of clarity only happened as I wrote this on the plane trip home. Hopefully he’ll see my message one day.

Morgan Westerman

Morgan Westerman

I am usually stone cold with my emotions but over the last few years since I’ve had children and my family has grown I’ve mellowed out immensly. But I didn’t realise how much, until Friday 10 March at WIS2006 while listening to Morgan speak.

The man is a master of sutulty and appreciation of the quietly spoken word. He showed his “Interview With God” website and I outwardly shed a tear, the website making me think about my family. I was amazed, to let that emotion out in front of people I didn’t even know.

But it didn’t stop there. His message about moving people emtionally and paying forward will reside with me forever. As he closed his speech, he recounted a moment of his life in childhood (I think he must have wanted to be a magician at some point of his life) and it really hit it home for me, and I shed another tear.

Afterwords I just had to have a photo taken with him and I told him what an impact he had on me, and that my wife would be astounded at my display of emotions. Truely an amazing 1 1/2 hours.

Thank you again Morgan. I hope to see you speak again soon.

Kirt Christensen

Boy was this guy tall. But the fact that he carried his list around his neck on a USB drive was all he needed to say without even opening his mouth. I actually sat next to him at breakfast and didn’t know who he was at the time, but we were talking about what he had on his USB drive. It was clear to me then what was most important to him in his business. It didn’t tweak with me until he was introduced on stage and his achievements, just how important it was and the power that resided in that little USB key.I carried my laptop around with me the whole conference (even during the breaks), since it is my lifeline to my web business, but all he had was his USB key. As Brett McFall would say. Hold your right arm out straight then point to your chin and say “Hmmmmmmm”, lighbulb moment!Building my list is a goal that I’m now going to be striving towards. Oh and his speech was good as well but his simple actions spoke louder to me than his words.

Thank you Kirt

David Cavanagh

I’ve been on David’s mailing list since he had “Number One Position” (2 1/2 years ago) and I’ve grown to know him through his emails. I knew he could write but boy can he speak. He never shuts up 🙂

He is truely a giver and a teacher of solid information. How do I know this. He must not have had a spare 5 minutes to himself the whole time he was there. His speech was David. Just as he is in his emails. He abandoned his formal speach and gave the crowd what they asked for, literally.

Whatever questions they had asked him in the halls he answered to all of us.

I didn’t mind because I know that if I ever need help or a sounding board for an idea, David will be happy to help, and I’ll be ready to listen.

The guy was so busy being bailed up in the breaks that I didn’t even get a chance to have a photo with him, but I plan to use that as a motivating force to have me making enough money online that next year I’ll do more than just have breakfast with him, but I’ll buy him a beer or 2. David you can hold me to that. Love your style.

Thanks David

Brett McFall

I’ve been on Brett’s list longer than anyones. In fact he was my first exposure to an internet marketer, but I never told him that (I sort of wish I had) since it was him that set me on this path of learning about marketing. I’ve always had that entrepreneur in me and over the last 5 years it’s just blossomed and I’ve embraced feeding it and growing it.

I’d never though about it until now what was my trigger. I have been working with the web since 1992 when there was just a Lynx browser, text only! But I only started taking money online in the last 3 years, nothing major, but something. I’ve been building websites for people for ages but I’m talking about making an income from online ventures.

Brett is a genius. I currently use Trevor Crook as a business coach who most of you would recognise as a previous speaker of other World Internet Summits. Brett’s speech was not new to me since I have been learning copywriting from Trevor, but it was talking to Brett at other times that was fantastic.

I had breakfast with him twice and rode to the conference in his car with Ted Ciuba and Tom Hua.

The golden nuggets that I will be using to really get my business moving were priceless. I did manage to bail him up for a photo and I know I will be meeting in the future. That I can be certain of.

Thanks Brett.

Linda Forsythe

The only lady presenter in the conference this year was Linda. I had never heard of Linda before and didn’t know about the “Walking With The Wise” range of books. This lady has rubbed shoulders with others that I had heard of. Dan Kennedy, Donald Trump and the list goes on.

Linda’s message was simple yet extremely powerful and important. Association. Just by being at this conference I was already a part of that process without even knowing it. Building association with the speakers and other fellow attendees.

I didn’t realise the power of her words until I was putting this page together. Look at what I have achieved in four days and the association that I have formed (even on a minute scale) with the speakers at this event.

Just being aware of the concepts Linda put forward is fabulous.

PS I think the Walking With The Wise Entrepreneur is fantastic.

Thank you Linda.

Ted Ciuba

Ted Ciuba

Now here is a real showman. I didn’t know where I read it, but someone was referring to Ted as the P.T. Barnem of the internet. Now that fuelled my preconceived idea of who Ted was. But boy was I wrong.

I had breakfast with him on the Friday and on the Saturday as well, but little did I know at the time what I was to experience when he took the stage on Saturday after lunch.

Where Morgan had triggered emotions in me, Ted moved me intellectually. I honestly didn’t think he had it in him. I remember thinking during the speech where the hell is this coming from. I did have a tear in my eye again! This time because I hadn’t been exposed to priming my mind and using simple techniques to achieve it.

He spoke about “Think and Grow Rich”, and as he was talking I thought back to how my own father had handed down to me his copy of the book and that when I read the book in my early teens (16 years ago) that I never really understood it, and that’s what made me sad. I don’t think my father really understood it either or maybe he just had a difference interpretation of it. Such ashame that he couldn’t guide me in entrepreneurial thinking as I so desperately desired.

I will be going to hunt that old book down from wherever I’ve stashed it and I’m not just going to read it this time, I’m going to try to understand it.

I thank you Ted for reminding me to NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER! I’m not just blowing smoke up his arse saying this just for the sake of it. The man made me think outside where my current head was at. I made sure that I had my photo taken with Ted and he got one for himself with me as well. Yes I told him how I felt after his speech because I always give credit where credit is due, and if someone can alter the way you current approach your thinking, that is truely

Thank you Ted.

Mike Stewart

Mike Stewart

I was introduced to Mike Stewart through a previous World Internet Summit audios that I’d listened to, but never really took much notice until he got into video, and with his partnership with Jim Edwards (Jim was my second internet marketer that I was exposed to).

I have never seen such a condensed overview of audio ever but he was there to talk about video and did he what!

Since I’m a techie and have done some previous mucking around with video on my home movies (the family kind of course), I had a rough idea but I didn’t realise that it could be done that easily. How do you think I got these videos together that you are watching now. Just as Mike did it. Well slightly different tools, but similar result. It’s the fastest video production I’ve ever done and so far the best.

Sure I’ve got a long way to go but I’m sure you’ll agree it gets the job done. I’m a video convert so thank you Mike.

PS Couldn’t pass up an opportunity for a photo with the man himself. So there it is.

Thank you Mike.

Stephen Pierce

Stephen Pierce

Now I had no idea what to expect from Stephen since I’d only heard about him and not been exposed to him before. On first impression I’ll mention that he was so smooth that he appeared arrogant to me (which of course in his case is deserved). However once again I was proven wrong. Note to self I must stop prejudging people. This man knows his craft backwards.

I don’t mind revealing that Morgan and Ted had both triggered a change inside me, Stephen not only re-triggered those feelings and thoughts but he strapped a rocket on my back and took me to whole new place.

Why am I saying this, not to make him feel good, I’m sure he gets compliments all the time, but because he had me in tears. I’m talking about tears running down my face even with my eyes closed for 2 minutes. I’m talking if I wasn’t sitting in a room with over 400 other people I would have lost control completely.

I can’t even write this down or talk about it without getting emotional. What can do that to you. I’ll tell you from my point of view. It’s clarity on what you really really want in life. And for me it’s not materialistic (that’s just a means to an end).

I want to share with you that I’ve been working hard, very long hours building my business over the last 3 years to the exclusion of my wife and to lesser degree my two lovely children. The ugly word of divorce had been mentioned several times and not by me. Without knowing it, trying to get to goal at all costs, I was undermining any chance of ever achieving it.

Once I found my clarity thanks to Stephen, I knew right then and there at the conference that when I shared that clarity with my wife, that it would steer our marraige back into the right direction. I know it’ll take time, but you have to be moving in the right direction.

Now for me, the whole four days could have been skipped and if I had just listened to the 1 1/2 hours of Stephen speak and nothing else it would have been worth it many times over.

Of course I had my photo taken with Stephen and I truely have to thank him and I’ve made a promise to myself that I’m going to visit him personally at his ThinkUBator in Ann Arbor USA to give him an update on how it’s going with me.

Thank you Stephen. You’ve probably saved marraiges before I owe you a big one!

Mike Filsaime

Mike Filsaime

I had a chat to Mike before his speech on Sunday and he was a very nice guy. I really didn’t know much about Mike other than I got a shitload of emails promoting his Butterfly Marketing course.

Let me just say this. A butterfly may flap it’s winds and cause tiny waves of change, but for me this whole conference was like a Teradactl was flapping it’s wings. And it wasn’t just Mike talking about this concept either, Tom Hua, Morgan Westerman, Kirt Christiansen spoke on similar lines. Viral or Buzz marketing is what the internet is for, so embrace it.

I managed to sneak a photo in with Mike as well. Thanks Mike

Tom Hua

What an unassuming man Tom is. But he knows his craft. I’ve been on Tom’s list for a long time now as well, but since he doesn’t reveal much (if any) of himself to his list, I didn’t really know what to expect from him.

Tom owns what I believe will become the biggest web hosting provider in Australia. The current big players here won’t be able to pull their heads out of there arses fast enough to catch him.

Since I run a small hosting company I know what I’m talking about. He is very committed to his hosting company and his other ventures and it’s that sort of belief that I’m striving towards.

I had a chance to chat with Tom both in Brett’s car on the way to the venue one morning and at breakfast on Sunday. I hope to use Tom’s new BodaIT company based in China to help grow my own business.

I now know and trust Tom and feel I have an Asian contact now that will enable me to introduce any relevant information products into the Asian market.

For some reason I didn’t get a chance to have a photo with Tom. I will get one next time we meet.

Thanks Tom

Matt Clarkson

As I’ve mentioned already I booked my flight to early and had to leave the conference early, I actually missed most of Matt’s presentation. But I did get a chance to speak with him on the shuttle bus on the way to the venue on Sunday morning.

We spoke about focus and dealing with the doubting ones around us (mostly family, friends, and colleagues). They can be a real negative influence and make it extremely difficult to pull yourself out the mindset and make whatever your striving for happen.

I make my living online but it’s still with my own 2 hands and using my limited time. My wife and family so far just haven’t understood where I’ve been coming from for the past two years, in my efforts to generate passive income online.

I know as soon as I achieve on passive project of substance, she will be the biggest convert and together we will forge forward faster than I currently think is possible. I just have to make it happen and get some runs on the board.

I’ve known Matt for about 3 years now, before he got into internet marketing. Boy has he moved ahead in what appears to be leaps and bounds but as he says every little bit helps and adds into bigger bits working to whole system and plan.

I’m still really upset that I had to leave during his speech, so I’m looking forward to the opportunity to hear him speak again.

Thanks Matt

My Turning Point – Defining Moment – World Internet Summit 2006

Welcome to my new personal blog.

Yes I have other blogs online but at the advice of David Cavanaugh and Mike Filsaime who am I to argue.

They suggested that I get my aarondwyer.com domain so that when I’m financially independant then I don’t have to buy my domain off of a scapler for tonnes of money. Good advice I’m sure you’ll take also. So if you don’t have your own personal domain then go and get one from my Australian Web Hosting company.

I’m going to dedicate this blog as my focus to setting my own goals and my achievements, from humble beginnings to reaching my target desire (and it’s not to have a lot of money folks). I may share it along the way with you later.

To start with I’ve decided to write a pillar blog post. What is a pillar blog post I here you asking. I’ll show you with an example. It’s a mainstay article on a topic that can be used as the foundation to build your blog off. You wouldn’t build a house without a solid foundation and your blog is no different. You should have multiple pillar articles or entries that are the major drawcards of interest for your blog. Yaro Starak and others do this wonderfully.

My first pillar article is going to be my testimonals (yes there is more than one) for the World Internet Summit 2006 held in Sydney March 9-12 at the Sydney Superdome conference center.

It is now the day after the event and I’m taking the day to do my testimonials and soak in what I’ve been exposed to over the last four days.

It is only fitting that an event that so strongly moved me on a financial, personal and spiritual (and I’m not religous) REQUIRES a strong testimonial. Don’t you agree? I’ve broken it down into how I felt about each speaker and then the overall World Internet Summit. I’ve used video and audio and included the notes that I jotted down as well.

Go and have a look and I’d love to get your comments and feedback.
