Free Internet Marketing Script Resources

I’ve started a collection of free internet marketing script resources to start to build traffic up around my new script software.

So far I have a tell-a-friend script and a 404 error page alert script.

Both are fabulous and if you are into internet marketing then you should check them out.

However the 404 error page alert script every single person that has a website should have this one. I truely believe that. No visitor should have to contact you that a page link is broken, it should be automated. That’s what this script does. Sends you an email when a 404 error page is triggered for whatever reason.


Internet Marketing Script Generator Pre-launch

Finally after 3 months of work on my new software for internet marketers to make more money from their websites using some smart website scripts, it’s ready to launch.

Amazingly, I wrote 1/2 the code with a brand new baby in my arms and fending off 2 kids from getting into trouble, while their mother was really sick after the birth. Things are settling down now, and I’m able to actually type with more than 1 hand and no baby in my arms. That’s why this software has taken so long to get done. But family first.!

Check it out and have a look at a quick video I took of the software and join my pre-launch list.

I’m so excited since this is my first product.

I know this is going to benefit so many internet marketers, especially the newbies. But I have a couple of cool scripts that are BRAND NEW on the scene and the veterans will be excited to see and use those as well.


New Webmaster Product Currently Being Developed

I’ve been working for the last 2 months on some software that will help webmasters and internet marketers in particular produce more sales and make their websites easier to develop.

I can’t believe how much work goes into making a product. This is why soooo many people just don’t do it.

As an example of my own. I desperately wanted to write an ebook with my wife for the Underachiever 30daychallenge in July last year. We got 1/2 way and never made it happen.

We surveyed and collated and got an angle on the book. We worked out in point form what should be covered. We even recorded some audio about it in an effort to get it off the ground. Never happened.

It’s still there so I will pick it up as my second product after I get through with this software as my first.

It truely is exciting to be finally moving towards a product launch.

I’ll elaborate on the project more as the launch moves closer, it’s very close now.
